One Secret to Feeling Like You Deserve More Money

Want to know one secret to feeling more deserving of money? Go to lunch with a woman who makes great money! (I’ve written before about spending time with the “upper third”.)
Two things to keep in mind:

It must be a woman. It doesn’t really help to spend time around men who make good money. We often times have issues with high income men. And we don’t need more examples of them anyway. But spending time with WOMEN, that is different. Because if they can do it, we can do it too!

It must be a woman you like and respect. So many of us have issues around “noble poverty” and the belief that there is some virtue in not having a lot of money. We sometimes assume really good people shouldn’t be too attached to making money. But when you spend time with people you like and admire, who earn good money, this affects you. Maybe you CAN make great money and still be a good person!

I recently went out to lunch with Kristen Schuerlein, of Affirmagy. (She sells affirmawraps – blankets silkscreened with powerful affirmations—and she gives some of the money back to the community.) She is a superb business woman who isn’t ashamed of her money. She worked hard for it! And she wants other women to do well, also. Spending time with her was like a breath of fresh air. We laughed and laughed, while comparing notes on being women business owners. I left feeling optimistic about earning the big bucks. If she can do it, I can too! And of course money is a good thing, and yes I deserve more of it! (I already own her “abundance” blanket!)

Make that your assignment this month. Find someone you like whom you think is successful, and ask them to lunch. It is very powerful!