
My favorite money tool—MoneyGrit.®

The other day someone asked me what financial program I recommend. That is an easy one for me—MoneyGrit. The answer is easy, but the question is, why?

My client Jenny comes to mind. Jenny has been my client for many years, so I don’t see her as often as I used to. Once a quarter we get together and talk about her money life. We use MoneyGrit. to look at her annual spending plan and see how her year and goals are unfolding. We talk about her self-care plan, we discuss ways to increase her net worth and fund some big dreams she has, and then I support her in increasing her income. Years ago, I taught her how to manage her cashflow and get out of debt. I was struck by the story Jenny told me recently.

She has a child who has some developmental challenges and had come across a new form of therapy that could potentially really help him. But it was very expensive. So, on Sunday night, when she sat down to track her money, she said to herself, “I’ll adjust my monthly spending plan in my MoneyGrit. with this big new expense and see what happens. Can I afford it?” Then she excitedly told me, “Well, when I went to the part that tells me if this plan works, I was shocked that it did! After all these years, I’m still amazed how this process brings my stress down. Mikelann, what do other people do who don’t have a way to get these answers?”

The short answer is most people are more stressed about money. 

Jenny uses MoneyGrit. to give her a sense of calmness about her money life. Life in general can feel chaotic and MoneyGrit. creates a calm oasis for her when she sits down once a week to track her money and look at her spending plan. She does this on Sunday evenings and it gives her a sense of control over the coming week.

Does it work magically? No. But MoneyGrit. provides you with the perspective and tools you need to make the right decisions and take the right actions.

 I recently had a huge opportunity come up regarding travel and tango dancing. I really wanted to go to this festival, but when I adjusted my own monthly spending plan with the airplane ticket and hotel, it did not work. So, I had to move to the level of looking at my annual plan in MoneyGrit. and see if I could make it work out in some way. Was there something else I could let go of later in the year, so I could make the trip and not have my savings plans and other goals interrupted? (After some thought, I decided to go, and wait on buying a big piece of furniture I had my eye on.)  

What I love about MoneyGrit. is that it helps me look at my options. This helps me feel in control. I have created a wonderful life, and money is a sacred tool in that creation. But things do not always go according to the original plan. Opportunities arise. Unexpected expenses hit.

As I tell my clients, “You can have anything you want. But you can’t have everything you want.” My clients and I love having a tool that helps us see our options and lets us decide what we are willing to give up or postpone.  MoneyGrit. provides the insights we need to take advantage of a new opportunity or roll with a sudden expense—and this is huge. And sometimes the key to good money management is all about finding a more creative way to get something done. I love this. Seeing the whole picture is so important and MoneyGrit. helps you do this.

I also teach people how to unlock their earning power. (My course page is here: Unlock Your Earning Power). I truly love the power of MoneyGrit.’s annual plan for helping my clients and students create an “earnings plan” and accurately see how much they really need to make. MoneyGrit. then helps them make the earning plan become a reality. Self-employed users also harness the power of an earnings plan when they use the business version of MoneyGrit. I love this. No other software does this.

Money programs should help you see where you spend your money, stay out of debt, and not create new debt while you pay off old debt. And they should also help you see your whole life and allow you to consciously create and craft a lifestyle you love, while helping you easily see what you earn and spend, so you can make the best decisions.

I can go on and on about MoneyGrit., but that is not the point of this post. You can visit their sales page to read about its features and benefits, ( I do use all its features with my clients, in addition to using MoneyGrit. both for my own personal and business finances. There are two versions of MoneyGrit.—a business version and a personal finance version. I use both, as do many of my clients. (Disclaimer: while I am an occasional consultant to MoneyGrit., I do not get paid for recommending it!)

Ultimately, a tool is just a tool. Buying a beautiful new cookbook and gorgeous dishes won’t manifest dinner on the table (trust me, I’ve tried that one). Tools must be learned. (And “yes”, you’ll learn it faster with a coach, but “no” you don’t need one). MoneyGrit. has great support for all its users. But it is really about the intention under the tool. MoneyGrit., in my opinion, is a wonderful tool for creating a conscious life and sustainable lifestyle. It’s a tool that allows us to better use money as the sacred means for creating the life you want.

Ready to earn more and step into greater freedom? Click here to be notified of the next time Mikelann offers her 8 week Unlock Your Earning Power course.