the retirement wisdom podcast

Podcast: Money and Emotions—The Retirement Wisdom Episode

Most of us want to enjoy our retirement someday. And money plays a role—an emotional role. So if you are curious about the emotional side of money, this podcast episode is for you.  Joe Casey, from the Retirement Wisdom podcast, dove into exploring our money beliefs and analyzing where they come from. More importantly, how do they impact us? And how does one develop a healthy relationship to money? We talked about the two most common money personalities, and what happens when they marry each other. And on a practical note, that is also emotional, how do we handle “retail therapy?” And what about retirement? How does the emotional side of money impact us when we become “work optional?”  People have more time in retirement, so having the resources to put into personal interests is key to happiness. And last, what is money coaching and how is it different than financial planning? So listen in, for a deep dive on emotions and money.

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