How to “Practice the Pause” 4 min video

I recorded this four minute video to teach you a super powerful– but very simple– technique. I call it “Practicing the Pause”. Use it to protect your time and make more money. When people ask you for your time, “practice the pause”. When you are tempted to discount or undersell yourself in the moment, “practice the pause”. And tell me how it works for you!


If you would like to earn what you’re truly worth and step into greater abundance, please see Mikelann’s Unlock Your Earning Power toolkit.   Identify what has been holding you back, learn the skills to ask for more and start earning at your true potential. For both self-employed and salaried women.


5 thoughts on “How to “Practice the Pause” 4 min video

  1. Mikelann,

    This was a great video that can help everyone really check in, listen and see what is the right move in situations that deal with money exchanges.

    And, I love that you are supporting everyone to both pause but also to come up with a proposal/solution that will feel best for us and to present that. Great, simple but profound tips. I love it!

    I would love to pass this on to my community through a newsletter or blog entry. thank you!

    hope you are well~

    Bari Tessler
    Founder of Conscious Bookkeeping
    .-= Bari Tessler´s last blog ..Welcome to Conscious Bookkeeping =-.

  2. A great video! I read one of your pieces about “pausing” sometime ago and have never forgotten it because many worthy causes want “just a little harp music,” brides have “tight budgets,” etc. This technique truly works.

  3. I’m so glad you all like the video! Yes, it is simple AND profound. Someone told me that profoundly useful things are usually simple. That’s a good thing! I use this technique all the time- in my personal and business life. People don’t know what you’re doing. Anything to avoid a knee jerk response is a good thing!

  4. Love that you are doing videos! You are so good at teaching, I have seen you several times through the years. You give such good, straight forward information. I will be telling my friends and clients to take a look.

    Sue Bates

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