Feeding the Goddess of Mistakes

In a recent business support group I ran, we did a “failure circle”. We all went around and shared a business failure/mistake we made, and what we learned from it. Someone volunteered that she had heard of the “goddess of mistakes”—that you HAVE to feed this goddess or she gets very hungry. So as we went around the circle, several of the women began, “Here is how I fed the goddess of mistakes….” By the time we finished our circle, we all felt lighter, and inspired by what each other had shared.

Are you risking enough? If you would like to make more money, you will have to risk, and risking is uncomfortable. But you must be willing to be uncomfortable. And you must be wiling to endure making some mistakes. With mistakes come experience and a sense of “well, let’s try it this way.” Women who are successful are perseverant. They make mistakes and they learn from them, and then keep going.

So go ahead, brag about your mistakes! Feed the goddess of mistakes. Otherwise, she will get very hungry….

2 thoughts on “Feeding the Goddess of Mistakes

  1. What a beautiful way to re-imagine “mistakes”!

    And, I would ask, “Was it (whatever the example was) really a mistake?”. If you can learn or gain something from the experience, then I wouldn’t qualify it as a “mistake”. With that perspective, there are no “mistakes”!

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