Earn More: The Power of Hanging Out with Successful Women

How does it feel when a successful woman looks you in the eye and tells you that she believes you are worth more? Magical!

Sitting in the coffee shop, sipping my non-fat latte, I was sharing my business ups and downs with two other women. Wonderful, powerful women who were, in fact, more successful than me.

When I moaned over my financial frustrations, one of them locked eyes with me and said slowly and clearly, “Mikelann, you are worth a lot of money.” Then she told me just how much she thought I was worth.

I felt my eyes widening. I knew better than to say, “Yeah, but—” so I just squirmed in the chair while letting her words sink in.

The encounter taught me a powerful lesson. We need to purposely spend time with people who are more successful than we are. We need to be inspired!

Do you spend most of your time with people who make about the same amount of money as you do?

If you go to a dinner party with people who make a lot more money than you, it can feel strange. If everyone at the party makes a lot less than you, it also feels strange!

We instinctively seek our “financial comfort zone.” But the dilemma is this: if everyone in your life is doing exactly what you are doing, it is very difficult to change, and making more money often requires changes.

Do you draw toward you people who inspire you? Do you deliberately seek out their company?

I had become friends with the women who sat with me at the coffee shop. They were ordinary women who dealt with everyday challenges. We all tried hard to make time for our families as well as for ourselves, struggling to find that elusive work/life balance. They were good women who wanted good things for their loved ones, for themselves, for the world, and for me.

As women, we crave relationship, and this brings up two important points for you to think about:

  • One: we need relationships to be truly happy. If you believe that being wealthy will mean being alone, you will not seek wealth. So what do you believe?
  • Second: women can be deeply affected by what people say to them. We take in feedback more profoundly than men do. Imagine the impact of surrounding yourself with positive, abundant women who believe in you! The effect is amazing and life-changing!

So who do you surround yourself with?

Ready to earn more and step into greater freedom? Click here to be notified of the next time Mikelann offers her 8 week Unlock Your Earning Power course.

One thought on “Earn More: The Power of Hanging Out with Successful Women

  1. awesome article and this inspires me to call some of my friends and set up a coffee date!

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