Creating Your Personal Money Practice

Many times my clients come in stressed and dazed about money. They’ve hit their frustration limit. Sometimes they feel out of control around money and sometimes they are simply tired of not knowing if they’ll have enough money- at the end of the month, or the year….

And I hear a lot of “I’m a smart woman- why can’t I figure this out?!”

After hearing their story, one thing I tell them is that they need to create a “Personal Money Practice”, and I will help them develop it. It will change their life. So are they willing to try something different?

And they vigorously shake their heads yes.

Let go of the “B” word!

Now, before you start thinking about that dreaded “B” word– budget, don’t go there! I hate budgets. They tend to sound like “diet”- and many people fear they will feel deprived. Budgeting can make you feel like you’re living on leftovers, after you’ve paid everyone else. Yuck.

A personal money practice is made up of creating a road map for getting where you want to go, and then being able to easily adjust your map as real life happens. It’s about getting your needs and wants met and taking even better care of yourself. It’s about letting go of stress. And it’s a personal growth journey.

Do you mean “practice” like “spiritual practice”?

Kind of.Tea Time

Like all practices- spiritual practice (meditation), or physical practice (daily walk), a practice is simply the regular performance of some activity, undertaken for the purpose of bringing one greater harmony and peace.  A practice can be five minutes a day (such as what I’m advocating you do with your money) or an hour a day, like a vigorous workout.

But all great practices are designed to walk you down a path towards a goal. How about a goal of less stress, more finance peace, more enjoyment of life now and knowing your future is secured? Wow- great goals. Are you willing to develop a new practice to move you down this path?

So why doesn’t everyone have a Personal Money Practice?

The most common reason is that people simply don’t know how. And really, who teaches us this stuff? Raise your hand if your parents taught you, in a loving and sane way, how to feel good and responsible about your finances.

For many of us, the whole notion of managing money is emotionally charged. Money IS very emotional. Why pretend otherwise? And we all have our own money story that impacts us. Often times our story comes from childhood, influencing our adult behavior around money.  (For example, people raised with little money may re-create this state as an adult OR they rebel against their deprived childhood and tend to overspend. A situation may trigger them- reminding them of times long ago.) The point is that money can feel very emotional. This is normal. A personal money practice allows you to navigate these emotions.

I also often hear that people are worried about how much time it will take to handle their money. And it is true, it takes time. I won’t lie about this. Worthwhile endeavors take time and energy. However, once people get going with their PMP, they are very pleasantly surprised that they can stay on top of their financial life by putting five minutes a day into their “practice”.

Seriously. In as little as 5 minutes a day, you can take control of your money, design your financial future and put an end to your money worries …. once and for all.

Time to exit the money fog and so much more!

If you engage in a personal money practice you will exit the dreaded money fog and begin to feel in control of your life in a way you never thought possible.  Practically speaking, your practice will allow you to see how much money you’ll have at the end of the month. And when “life happens”- car repairs, unexpected travel—you can easily adjust your plan.

But it’s more than this.  A money practice keeps you grounded and balanced around money. Your spending triggers subside and the urge to spend to make yourself feel better (retail therapy anyone?) abates.

A personal money practice helps you see how you are taking care of yourself. It helps you get your needs met. And it means that not only are YOU okay, the woman you will be in twenty years is okay too. Wow.

Want to go deeper with this idea? Join me for a 5-week teleclass “Create a Personal Money Practice” starting January 31st. Click here for more details.

Want more help transforming your relationship to money? Check out all the eBooks, audios, and more robust products Mikelann has created. Are you ready to break free of the “money fog” and step into earning what you are worth? Are you are ready to get in touch with your emotions so you never feel out of control around money again? Are you ready to love your financial life? Let Mikelann help you get there. Free items are at the top of the page.

One thought on “Creating Your Personal Money Practice

  1. Budgeting, urrgh! You got that right. It makes me feel tingly all over when you say something like that. But it’s true though. Not all people knows how to manage their finances. It all starts when you take the time to sit down, list it all down, and plan.

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