Business Support (It takes a village to raise a business!)

In the middle of my busy schedule, I dropped everything to help birth a baby. My friend Mary went into labor on Thursday, so I rushed over to her house to be with her and her husband. The three of us had been “training” for this time for many months. We called ourselves “Team Mary”. Her husband Eric and I took turns helping her relax, rubbing her back and counting contractions. It was a long process, as this was their first baby! By the time we got to the birth center, (the next day!) the midwives took over her coaching, and I faded to the background. But she still wanted me there. I was a witness to her pain and her triumph.

I am reminded of how much we need support in our businesses. Could Mary have done this alone? Perhaps, but there would have been a lot more fear! We can do great things, but we need help and support. In fact, I believe it takes a village to birth a business, and a village to raise a business. Of course no one can run your business but you. But when you have support, the way feels easier. There is less fear. Who is your support team? Who are your witnesses? We need people who can hold our hands through the downtimes and rejoice with us when things are going well.