Pike Place Market Seattle - My simple trick to drawing more fun and connection into my life by Mikelann Valterra

My simple trick to drawing more fun and connection into my life

Every six months or so I stop and say to myself, what do I want more of in my life? What specifically would bring me greater joy, more peace or increased security- or simply more FUN? What can I do to make a change?

Case in point- a few years ago I was feeling distant from my dad. I love my dad. But we needed to see each other more and this wasn’t going to “accidentally happen”. So I hit upon an idea- I called him up and proposed that we have a monthly dinner date that we could count on. He loved this idea.

MoneyMinder OnlineThen, in my personal finance software (I use MoneyMinder to plan and track my spending- big surprise since I co-founded the company!) I went into my categories and I created a subcategory under food called “night out with dad”.


No, this wasn’t about the money. I knew it would remind me each month to look at the calendar and call my dad to get our date down. Does a night out cost money sometimes? Sure. But it’s not really about the money, as there are both expensive and inexpensive restaurants. (And my dad generously usually grabs that bill.) But whenever I do my monthly plan, I see that category and it makes me stop and pick up the phone. Sweet trick, huh?

Here’s another example- just last January I was thinking about my goals for the year. There were predictably financial goals on my list. But there were also time goals. Basically, I wanted more time to play. I live in a very fun city, but if I don’t block out the time, I don’t make the time to go out and do something fun, let alone look at all our marvelous event calendars.

So once again, I went to my personal finance software and this time I created a new subcategory under entertainment called “Mikelann’s adventure day”. Each month when I do my plan for the month, I pause in this category and put down some money to spend. It’s one of my favorite things to plan.

Pike Place Market Seattle - My simple trick to drawing more fun and connection into my life by Mikelann Valterra

Again, it’s not really about the money. I can amuse myself all day at Seattle’s Pike Place Market for thirty bucks- a latte, some crazy snacks from vendors, maybe a hum bow from my favorite Asian street deli. I stop and sit and watch the street musicians. I give tourists directions. I debate new recipes at a store called the Spanish Table- maybe buy an ingredient or spice I can’t find at Safeway.

The point is- if I didn’t have to stop and plan some money in my “Mikelann’s adventure day” category, it wouldn’t cue me to make my “time for self” goal come true! When this subcategory comes up, I look around for possible free time, and then I plan something fun to do.

Labels can name powerful things for us. Don’t get caught thinking that working on your personal finances is just about money- or just about numbers. How can you use your personal finance software- and your “personal money practice” – to bring more happiness and joy to you?

Do you want more “girl’s nights out”, “romantic meals out”, “tennis lessons”, “city art walks”—or? Create a subcategory for whatever you want more of, in your life. Name it and draw it to you.

Ultimately, how we plan our time and use our energy is just as important as how we plan our money. And sometimes when we plan our money, we even raise our happiness quotient!

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